
교과목 설명 - 코드, 교과명, 학과, 교수, 과정구분, 전화번호등의 내용
교과목코드 HAI01313 교과목명 의사소통행위론
강의학과 철학과 교수 랄프보이탄
교수소속 철학과 이수학년 전학년
과목구분 이론 과정구분
이메일 beuthan@gmail.com 전화번호 02-300-0635
테이블 이름 - 주차 및 주제내용
주차 주제
1주차 Introduction: Communication as the core issue of modern and postmodern philosophy
2주차 Introduction: Communication as the core issue of modern and postmodern philosophy
3주차 Introduction: Communication as the core issue of modern and postmodern philosophy
4주차 Introduction: Communication as the core issue of modern and postmodern philosophy
5주차 Introduction: Communication as the core issue of modern and postmodern philosophy
6주차 Habermas and classic theory of agency
7주차 Habermas and classic theory of agency
8주차 Mid term
9주차 Habermas and the “linguistic turn” of modern philosophy
10주차 Habermas and the “linguistic turn” of modern philosophy
11주차 Habermas and the “linguistic turn” of modern philosophy
12주차 Habermas and the “linguistic turn” of modern philosophy
13주차 Habermas and the “linguistic turn” of modern philosophy
14주차 Outlook: Media, communication
15주차 Outlook: Media, communication and Final